!!  char/hex output hacking

a:	.word	0xffffffff
b:	.word	8
greeting: .ascii "hack string"
	  .byte 0

greeting2: .asciz "hack string2"


	set a, %r1
	ld [%r1], %r8

	! print out as char; there is no ascii char for this
	!   hex number - gigo...
	ta 1

	! print out as hex
	ta 4

	! spit out a newline
	mov 	0xa,	%r8
	ta	1

	set b, %r1
	ld [%r1], %r8

	! print out single char; ascii 0x08 is the backspace
	ta 1

	! print out as decimal digit; add '0' = add 48; transfers
	!  to range of ascii decimal digits
	add %r8, '0', %r8
	ta 1

	! undo previous hack; print out as hex
	sub %r8, '0', %r8
	ta 4

	! spit out a newline
	mov 	0xa,	%r8
	ta	1

	set	greeting, %r8
	ta 6

	! spit out a newline
	mov 	0xa,	%r8
	ta	1
	! spit out a newline
	set	greeting2, %r8
	ta 6

	mov 	0xa,	%r8
	ta	1
	ta 0