!  Program draws a grid pattern that maps an arc.
!    MAXLINES 1 to n are drawn where 
!       x1, y1 = 0, 512-(DELTA*(n-1))
!       x2, y2 = DELTA*n, 0
!  DELTA pixels = 8.
!  Register Usage:
!    main prog
!     %r1 - the address of the (memory mapped) GX device
!     %r2 - holds the command for the GX device
!     %r3 - used in computation of x2
!     %r4 - used in computation of y1
!     %r5 - used in computation of y1
!     %r8 - used as a loop counter
!  Limitations:
!    Program geometry is hardcoded to fill the GX device window. 
	.include "gx.h"

		.set MAXLINES, 64
		.set DELTA, 8
		.set MAX_XY, 512

	set	GX_BUFFER, %r1

	! open the device
	st	%r0, [%r1 + GX_CMD]

	set	MAXLINES, %r8

	! draw line loop
loop:	tst	%r8
	be	end

	umul	%r8, DELTA, %r3 
	dec	%r3

 	sub	%r8, 1, %r4
	umul	%r4, DELTA, %r4
	set	MAX_XY, %r5
	sub	%r5, %r4, %r4

	st	%r0, [%r1+GX_LINE_X1]
	st	%r3, [%r1+GX_LINE_Y1]
	st	%r4, [%r1+GX_LINE_X2]
	st	%r0, [%r1+GX_LINE_Y2]

	mov	GX_LINE, %r2
	st	%r2, [%r1+GX_CMD]

	ba	loop
	deccc	%r8	

	ta	0